Our expertise team of ‘Help for Thesis’ ensure that every journal submission is clear, impactful, clarity of content and present with high academic standards. Our professional writers strictly follow specific formatting rules for title, abstract, methodologies, keywords and body content and we ensure all references meets with proper citation, required citation styles and figures, tables are labeled clearly. We provide assurance on originality of content and must be plagiarism free content before submitting the journal. Our expert team of writers ensures that all manuscript should clearly align with research question, methodologies, research findings and conclusion. Our expertise services always ensure the quality and relevance to maintain the ethical standards and data transparency.
we offer the peer pre-review to review the manuscript to evaluate the quality of the journal from the reviewer's point of view which helps to increase the acceptance rate.
we will check your manuscript for Plagiarism and hand over the Plag report to you.
we offer the editors to edit the manuscript as per the guidelines of the journal which will help to identify the grammatical mistakes in the paper and improve the flow and format of the paper.
All the documents needed for the submission are ensured to meet the guidelines of the journal. Our editor will state a customized cover letter that includes the importance and contribution of the research.
We are providing services includes of journal paper editing and proofreading, PhD journal publication support, journal selection to aid the scholars to choose the appropriate as well as the best journals to publish them. Our services are tailored services and assistance in the customized manner. We guide the scholars to choose and publish the paper in the high impact factor journals. Our team of experts offers the best research paper and thesis writing services in India at an affordable range. We evaluate the quality of the scholar’s research paper and select the high- quality journals to publish in the high impact factor journals. We will take you through the stress-free journey of writing, editing and implementing service for academic researchers. Our services include from the research topic selection to end of paper submission. Our team also takes a look to evaluate the format, grammatical mistakes, logical flow, and Plagiarism check of your paper. We present the paper as per the guidelines of the university. We also provide the most affordable, error free, fast and convenient services. Our guidance with the dedicated experts will improve the acceptance rate of scholar's research paper in the high-impact factor journals.
Don’t worry! We are here to obtain the guidance of the journal selection provided by us,
Our expertise guides you in choosing the relevant journal for the domain of the research.
Choose the appropriate journal that is quite relevant to the area of research.
We offer a pre-peer review which helps to identify the mistakes as well as weak sections in the manuscript and helps to improve the acceptance rate.
We are providing entire support of revision and serve plagiarism free content.
The expert guidance will improve the acceptance rate because of the strategies utilized by them to adhere to the guidelines of the journal.
Our expertise services will choose the journal to achieving acceptance in the range of high-impact factor journals.