Literature Review

  • Our experts used to conduct thorough comprehensive literature reviews for scholar's thesis writing, analyzing existing research findings, identifying very important key theories and concepts, and they also highlighting gaps in the literature as well. In this Literature review part, it is very mandatory to review relevant literature and previous studies which should highly relate to your research topic.

    Your research paper should discuss very vital key findings or any theories if you included in your thesis, or any methodologies, and debates that you have included as well. The important role is to identify gaps or limitations in existing research.

  • In this literature review; you need to provide the historical overview of your research topic or the relevant field of study. It’s very important to focus on the relevant key concepts, theories, or methodologies which are highly relevant to your research as well.

    You need to explore different theoretical frameworks or very important perspectives that thoroughly used to inform the understanding of your research topic very clearly. It is very important to discuss that how the given concepts are well-defined within the literature and it will help readers to understand the significance of your study as well.

  • You need to analyze the different perspectives and very vital arguments which are generally presented by scholars and researchers and which should highly relevant to your research topic as well. It’s very important to review the empirical studies thoroughly and you need to provide research findings that you have investigated in your thesis as well.

    In this literature review, just try to summarize the important key findings, methodologies, and conclusions from relevant existing studies and its very important to identify the gaps in the existing literature. As a research scholar, you need to know that it is very important to explain how research from other fields can used to enrich or complement your understanding of the topic thoroughly.

  • Meanwhile, you need to identify very important emerging trends, or any important innovations, or any developments in the relevant literature as well which are highly used to shape your research to make it reach to all over the globe. Also, you need to highlight the current debates, or any controversies related to the chosen topics, or any conflicting viewpoints as well within the literature, you need to analyse thoroughly to provide the overall insights to your readers through your thesis and it should be very clear and concise as well.

    It is highly noted that you need to provide a critical evaluation of the literature which generally includes its strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in the existing research which is mainly used to get the better understanding of the chosen topic. You need o refer different sources of literature to thoroughly develop a coherent and comprehensive understanding of your research topic as well. We thoroughly assist scholars by critically analyzing some of the relevant literature to establish very important theoretical framework for their research and make them complete their thesis writing without any obstacles at all.

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